Monday, February 20, 2012

Recent academic awards for Irish Dominican friars

Fr Wilfrid Harrington OP
Fr Paul Murray OP

Two of the brothers of the Irish Dominican province were recently recognised and honoured for their  academic contributions in their respective fields.

On Monday January 30th last, fr Paul Murray OP, of the Irish province was conferred with the STM (Master in Sacred Theology) by the Dominican Order prior to fr Paul's delivery of the annual 'Aquinas Lecture' at Saint Mary's Dominican priory, Tallaght, Co. Dublin. The award of STM is the highest internal honour that the Order can give to one of the brothers for their significant contribution to theology. Fr Paul lives in Rome and is the president of the Institute in Spirituality and professor of spritual thrology in the Dominican university of Saint Thomas (Angelicum) in Rome.

On Thursday February 16th, a book was launched to honour fr Wilfrid Harrington OP on the occasion of his 85th birthday. The event took place in Saint Mary's Dominican priory, Tallaght, Co. Dublin. The book The Word is Flesh and Blood - The Eucharist and Sacred Scripture has been edited by fr Wilfrid's Dominican brethren Thomas MacCarthy and Vivian Boland and is a festschrift to the author of over fifty books - all of them scripturally based. Fr Wilfrid's contribution to sacred scripture and biblical theology has been immense - and the large number of his friends, family, colleagues and members of the Dominican family at the event bears testament to their appreciation of his work in this field.

Irish Dominican Vocations adds congratulations and best wishes to Brothers Wilfrid and Paul on their recent awards and recognition.

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